This page represents the Mozilla Web Browsers official HTML (HyperText Markup Language) reference guide. This page explains everything that the Mozilla Browser is capable of rendering from html code. This reference page has an HTML introduction section, tutorials, references and guides to everything that this browser is capable of doing. You would use these resouces when coding a webpage to understand each and every possible attribute you can manipulate within your code to perform at the maximum capacity of this browser. This reference has information on HTML Elements, Global Attributes, Attributes and input types. Guides for all sorts of different concepts and techniques. A great source of accurate information from developers at Mozilla.
This fantastic, alphabetical reference page is Mozilla's holy grail of CSS capabilites for their browser. You would use this reference page as a go to for any and all CSS related design questions. This reference has everything that you need in order to design an interactive and responsive website to be displayed on the Mozilla Browser and has cross compatibility guides to help you as well.
The Mozilla Development Network (MDN) is well-known for being more comprehensive and accurate than other online resources. It is more of a resource and library of documents for coding languages than a community. MDN is great for learning how to utilize specific functions and staying up to date on coding and development news. The important part of reliable and Up-to-date information and problem-solving is so that a developer can see what is available while staying as professional as possible. Being able to reference their peers and other developers is a must. Being able to get insightful answers, new perspectives and tips and tricks is a must for all programmers whether new or experienced.